Circular Transportation Network
For small-scale generators of recyclable materials
The Colorado Circular Transportation Network (CTN) is a project led and supported by the Circular Economy Development Center to address rural recycling transportation challenges. The program collects recyclable materials that are at risk of going to landfill due to challenges faced by small-scale generators: small accumulations of materials, prohibitive transportation costs and/or lack of access to hauling.

Tersus Solutions Boosts Down Recycling with CEDC
Project Highlight
Tersus Solutions is a Colorado-based, clean-tech company that enables brands to participate in the circular economy by offering advanced, environmentally-friendly cleaning technology alongside a full suite of textile reclamation and single-SKU logistics solutions.
Tersus also offers recycling of down-filled textiles. They reclaim the down-fill inside products such as sleeping bags, jackets and comforters to create a high-quality, GRS-certified recycled down. Tersus is currently getting the feedstock for down recycling from products they receive from brand partners, but they have capacity for more.
The CEDC is working with Tersus to identify and collect more down feedstock throughout Colorado. Together we will establish new down collection sites around the state and utilize the Circular Transportation Network to pick up and transport the feedstock to Tersus. If you have a source for down-filled products, please contact the CEDC at info@circularcolorado.org.
Have a personal down sleeping bag, comforter or jacket you are wanting to recycle?
Colorado End Market Opportunity Assessment
The “End Market Opportunity Assessment” commissioned by Colorado’s Circular Economy Development Center evaluated the landscape of Colorado’s manufacturing base and identified specific materials and industries that are ripe for further development of circular solutions. The project screened a total of 26 different materials to help identify targeted commodities for end-market development.

CEDC Welcomes New Staff
Margery Brown, Director of Strategy
Margery has over 25 years of experience in strategic planning, program development, financial planning, and operations management in various industries including federal and municipal government, economic development, real estate, and technology. She will help bring potential circular and end-market projects to fruition for the CEDC.

Project Teams Collaborate
Companies working on projects with the CEDC gathered October 3 to get to know each other and explore further collaborative opportunities. Thanks to Direct Polymers, Driven Plastics, Iron Woman and Tersus Solutions for attending and to Pretred for hosting the group.